There are many problems with Give Me Texas or Give Me Death's recent article, "Is Texas Crazy?" One such problem is that the author is against the new law yet, the article uses arguments in favor of the law. "So who are we to state for a fact that non-licensed students will respect the rules of this bill and not bring a weapon to campus." This is among the top arguments used by supporters of the bill. Supporters argue that campuses are currently a gun free and yet, that is not stopping criminals from coming on campus and imposing their will with their guns.
The author also goes on to call all college students idiots that can't be trusted, in the following statement, "College students don't take anything serious. You can't trust them." So what do we take from this article? Well we know that the author is a college student, that doesn't take anything serious and can't be trusted. Essentially the author is telling us to disregard this whole article.
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