Monday, October 19, 2015

Putting them down without looking it up

Last month blogger Katie Singh wrote an article for the Burnt Orange Report titled, "Is Anyone Surprised Texas’ History of Islamophobia Led to a Child’s Arrest?" A very leading question, no doubt about it. In the article she goes on about how "the story is infuriating for more reasons than I can count" where she asks stupid questions like, "how come a 14 year-old (in a NASA T-shirt, no less!) gets arrested bringing in a clock, yet white kids can open carry actual guns without consequence?" Katie continuously blames our flawed system in case where she knows has no facts.

She is partially right about a lot of our problems here in the state, like many idiotic claims that all Muslims are terrorists or this church that posted a sign that was clearly outside of the separation of church and state. These people are morons but, that does mean that you can automatically claim that the school and/or police department are in the wrong. With a little digging you can find out that, Ahmed forced a lot of situations to happen that cause a great deal of alarm. Since then the school have requested permission from Ahmed's family to release their statement. However, since the case is/was dropped against the school and police, all you will ever be likely to hear is Ahmed's side of the story. In order to protect the officers involved, the police will not release their statements either.

So at the end of the day we, originally myself included, have all been condemning this school and the responding officers without the knowledge of any real facts of what actually happened that day. Almost everyone involved is at fault. From the bigots saying idiotic things about Muslims, to those of us that jump to our Muslim friends' sides, we should be ashamed for passing judgment say hastily and without the proper knowledge.

Friday, October 2, 2015

In Joan Neuberger and Ellen Spiro's recent article "Campus carry wrong for UT faculty, students", they support the continuing fight against Senate Bill 11. This new law allows students with concealed handgun licenses (CHL) to legally carry on campus, while giving the schools the right to declare some parts of their campus as "gun-free zones."

Laws or rules against concealed carry will not stop anyone who wants to do harm to you or others. Criminals and those who intend to do people physical harm, do not care about laws. They will bring their gun onto campus, or anywhere without extensive security, and do as they wish. CHL holders are typically law abiding citizens with a desire to properly defend themselves against those who wish to impose harm on them or those around them.

Unfortunately, 9 people have lost their lives this week, when an armed shooter entered the Oregon Community College campus near Roseburg, Oregon, and opened fire on students there. These people relied on first responders to rescue them from this clearly troubled shooter. Chris Mintz, a US Army veteran, rushed the shooter, getting shot 6 times. If there had been someone like Chris that was armed and willing to defend the class, this tragic story could have had a better outcome.

Senate Bill 11 is not here to give us all the right to start reenacting John Wayne movies in the middle of campus, or start waving our guns around threatening people who don't support the same view points in classrooms. The law is here to allow us to defend ourselves and the people around us. We don't always have time to wait for the police to show up. We must defend ourselves from danger as it presents itself. I can guarantee you that should the need arise, I will defend myself and my classmates with my life if that's what it takes.

May our thoughts and prayers be with those families affected in Oregon.